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Am hoping to get permission to put some other recordings up here, but for now, here’s a few live SARDINE v tracks for your listening pleasure.

Crystal Ballroom Melbourne, 26th June 1982

This was Barton Price’s last gig with the band before leaving to join the Models. It turned into a long, rambling, chaotic, drunken night, with members of the Models joining SARDINE v on stage. (This information is according to the person who gave me the recordings. Unfortunately I wasn’t there.)


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Somebody Loves Me (Extended) – members of the Models join the band onstage for this crazy extended version of Somebody Loves Me:

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Don’t Take No, with a nice little “bye bye” to Barton at the end:

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Later SARDINE v shows

New York City – Recorded at Strata Inn, 10 September, 1982
I’m in love with New York City / She’s so tall and she’s so pretty, yeah.
We’re in love with New York CityWe’ve never been there isn’t it a pity, yeah.

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Ding Dong Dell – Recorded at Governor’s Pleasure, 10th December 1982

I’m so tired of going to work, wake up in the morning and oh it hurts,
My boss has been giving me trouble, when he says do it, it’s do it on the double!

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Cowboy Song – Recorded at Governor’s Pleasure, 10 December 1982

Went down to see you / at the local saloon,
The place was crowded / there wasn’t much room
Then I saw your face / nothing out of place.

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  1. bikeboy says:

    Great to see what you have done with the site, Megan. I was a great fan of Sardine V, probably Ian’s most underrated and neglected band! I keep hoping that some live material will be released one of these days, especially given that people are still finding & releasing material by X. Keep up the great work.

  2. megan says:

    Glad you’re enjoying it bikeboy! I do have some more live Sardine V material, and I’d like to put some more up here when I get time to do some more work on the site – so check back regularly.

    Getting stuff released is out of my hands unfortunately, but I would love to see it happen too.

  3. david prigent says:

    Ian would you know how i could get copy of Band of Light song “Moonstruck”? please. I did have a copy before,cheers

    • megan says:

      Hi David – Moonstruck is on the CD “Total Union” which has been available through Aztec Music – not sure where they’re at, as they were insolvent, but seems Gryphon has picked them up. Can’t see it on Gryphon’s website but you could try contacting Aztec and see if it’s available:

  4. anthony slaughter says:

    The live Sardine v links appear to be down? Any chance of reactivating them? Thanks in advance

    • megan says:

      Thanks for your comment Anthony. Sorry I haven’t had time to do any work on this site for a long time – I think the plugin that played them might have died so I’ll have to find another one. I will endeavour to get onto it soon!

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